Hi, I’m Lynsey!

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For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a passion for physical activity and healthy nutrition. I grew up playing any sport my parents would allow me to play. Once I graduated high school, I ran track at the University of Guelph where I completed a bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences with a minor in Molecular Biology and Genetics. I ran track until recurring injuries caused me to explore other activities. I was introduced to the sport of competitive body building and pursued that for 3 years until I heard about CrossFit. I’ve now been competing in CrossFit for a little over 3 years and I’ve never enjoyed training for and competing in a sport more. Through my personal journey and through coaching clients for over 6 years, I’ve been exposed to, tried, and learned about a variety of nutritional strategies. The one that works best for me and the one I find usually works best for my clients whether they’re a high performing athlete or a recreational exerciser is a flexible approach. I love teaching people how to fuel their activity optimally while also teaching them how this doesn’t mean cutting out the foods they love completely.

  • Lyns


Nutrition While You’re Sick


Cardio or Cardi-no?